Year 1 is a general year of discovery and experimentation, revolving around three approaches : the acquisition of a coherent and sensible expression and development of creativity fed by artistic culture.
An average of 35 hours per week of workshop courses is provided throughout the year with our art teachers, all experts in the subjects listed in our curriculums.
Interior Architects step in an actual structure and must master technical skills and follow predefined restrictions. Projects can vary greatly from private house, public spaces, airports, schools, offices of fashion stores.
EU - Level 7 (former French level 1) diploma in Interior Architecture and Design, accredited by the French Ministry of Labour (Ministère du travail), certified by the French Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (National Directory of Professional Certifications: RNCP – Code NSF 233n).
The Académie is also recognised by the CFAI (Conseil Français des Architectes d’Intérieur), in charge of the promotion of the diplomas.
By developing its international dimension, our establishment has been driven by a dual ambition: allowing students with a desire to work abroad to complete their curriculum, gain recognition and necessary skills, while encouraging the discovery of methods, cultural awareness, and differences that will enhance their professional practice (inter and trans-cultural).